“Promoting government accountability on constitutional obligations and international standards to respect, promote, protect, and fulfill human rights.”
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Hari HAM Internasional 2021 – Negara Masih Abai Menerapkan Rekomendasi UPR 2017
Memperingati HAM Internasional 2021, Indonesia masih belum serius melaksanakan komitmennya internasional untuk pemajuan HAM dalam negeri. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari masih buruknya implementasi atas rekomendasi yang diterima Indonesia dalam sidang Universal Periodic...
Usulan Koalisi Nasional Disabilitas untuk Penghapusan Kekerasan Seksual terhadap RUU TPKS
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Menguatkan Strategi Advokasi dalam Kasus Industri Kelapa Sawit untuk Perlindungan Hak-Hak Masyarakat
Women Working Group bersama RIGHTS, Resilience Fellow, Climate Reality Indonesia, Konsil LSM, HRWG is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Webinar Advocacy Strategies and Approaches on Palm Oil Industry Case 🗓️ Rabu, 13 October 2021 ⏰ 09:00 - 12:00 WIB...
Multi Stakeholders Dialogue: Building Robust Solidarity with Migrant Workers in East and Southeast Asia
COVID-19 pandemic has made vulnerabilities of migrant workers more visible and exacerbated all over the world. While the pandemic still continues to impact the rights of migrant workers and their families, it is more important than ever before to increase...
Film Screening & Discussion: migrant workers’ stories (that the news won’t tell you)
Registration: Details of the film: made by: Fifi@misocom of auto8a|in consultation with: Indra@Media PILAR|video clips provided by: Media PILAR|Languages:Indonesian, Cantonese, English, Mandarin|subtitles: Chinese, English and Indonesian The pandemic year of...
Regional CSOs Consultation Meeting on the Implementation of ASEAN Consensus on the Rights of Migrant Workers
This report was prepared by Indonesia’s NGO Coalition for International Human Rights Advocacy (or the Human Rights Working Group – HRWG). This report is divided into four sections, with the introduction as the first section. The second part deals with the background...
Check out our publication!
Evaluasi Rekomendasi AFML (ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labour)
ISBN: 978-979-18586-6-3
Civil Society Participation in ASEAN Regionalism
ISBN: 978-623-94398-2-8
Pelanggaran Hak-Hak Buruh Migran Indonesia di Negara ASEAN
ISBN: 978-979-18586-3-2
YouTube: Indonesia's NGO Coalition